Monday, November 18, 2013

Learning New Things

So I've experienced a little bit of Complete Swahili, and I've learnt a couple of things, I know, surprising right?

For example, everyone assumes that Jambo is the proper way to say hello in Swahili, but most people there just accept that from tourists and reply the same politely. But its regularly Mambo, or Vipi. These are used for people of similar status or close aquaintances.

Another casual greeting is Hujambo which means how are you, its simple and many people use it.

I've also learnt about the prober names for a woman, they are either Bwana, Bibi, or Mama. Bwana and Bibi are both followed by the woman's name. But, Bibi is then shortened to Bi. Mama is usually followed by the name of her eldest or last child.

Swahili is weird.



  1. It sounds as though you've found a method that is beginning to work; you're on your way. Now it should be easier for you to create a Plan page with monthly and weekly goals.

    The book sounds great, but I'm curious about how it deals with pronunciation. How will you know the words sound right?

    1. The book does show how to pronounce it, but there is always google or youtube if I'm not sure, which I haven't used very much yet. I am currently trying to figure out my goals page and hope that it looks good when I am done.

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